Employment Ordinance ( Chapter 57 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
The Employment Ordinance is the main legislation that regulates the employment conditions of both employers and employees. Its purpose is to strengthen the provision of certain employment protection and benefits to employees.
The employer will enter into a written employment contract with the employee, which includes wages, holidays, paid annual leave, rest days, etc.
Before signing an employment contract, employees should take the initiative to understand and read the contract carefully . Employers must also explain the employment conditions to employees in detail, including:
wage period;
the notice period required for termination of the contract; and
End of year bonus, part of end of year bonus and bonus period (if applicable).
If there are other employment-related conditions, they should also be clearly stated. After the contract is signed, the employer must immediately give the employee a copy of the contract.
Signing a written employment contract can protect the rights and interests of both parties and reduce unnecessary labor disputes; clearly listing the various employment conditions will also remind both parties of their contractual responsibilities.
Reference website: https://www.labour.gov.hk/en/public/pdf/wcp/WrittenContract.pdf
Legal provisions : https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap57